Site map

Main navigation

  1. Find, Borrow, Request
    1. Find Materials
      1. Using Library Search
      2. By Topic
      3. Books in Various Formats
      4. Articles
      5. Audio
      6. Video
      7. Textbooks and Course Materials
      8. Special Collections and Archival Materials
      9. Other Types of Materials
      10. In the Library by Call Number
      11. Using Other Catalogs
    2. Borrow and Return
      1. Who Can Borrow
        1. Students
        2. Faculty and Staff
        3. Visiting Scholars
        4. Alumni, Guests, and Native and Indigenous Peoples
        5. Spouses or Other Qualified Adults
      2. How Long You Can Keep Items
        1. How Long You Can Keep Specific Formats
      3. Renew Your Items
      4. Request Return of Checked-out Items
      5. Where to Return Items
      6. Reminders and Overdue Items
        1. Long Overdue and Suspended Privileges
        2. Lost Items
      7. Checkout Special Items and Equipment
      8. Reciprocal Borrowing and Visiting Privileges
        1. Eastern Michigan and WCC
        2. University Research Corridor
        3. Big Ten Academic Alliance
    3. Request Items for Pick Up or Delivery
      1. Get Items Off the Shelves
      2. Pick Up at a Library Desk
      3. Delivery to Your Department
      4. Items from Another Institution Using Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
        1. Lending to Other Institutions
    4. Request Digital Copies or Duplication
      1. Scans
      2. Special Collection Materials
      3. Digitization for HathiTrust
      4. Accessible Copies
    5. Onsite Use of Special Collection Materials
    6. Recommend a Purchase
    7. Access Online Resources
      1. On Campus
      2. Remote Access
        1. Using a Browser Extension
        2. Using a Browser Bookmark
  2. Visit and Study
    1. Study Spaces
      1. Quiet Study Spaces
        1. Hatcher Reference Reading Room
        2. Asia Library Reading Room
        3. International Studies Reading Room
        4. Hatcher North Stacks Study Tables
        5. Hatcher South Carrels
        6. Hatcher Floor 6
        7. Shapiro Reading Room
        8. Shapiro Floor 4
        9. Taubman Health Sciences Library Study Space
        10. Fine Arts Library Floors 1 and 2
        11. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Floor 3
        12. Music Library Floors 3 and 4
      2. Collaborative Spaces
        1. Hatcher Floor 2
        2. Clark Library Seating Area
        3. Shapiro Basement
        4. Bert's Study Lounge
        5. Shapiro Floor 1
        6. Shapiro Floor 2
        7. Clark Commons Collaborative Spaces
        8. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Floor 2
      3. Bookable Spaces
        1. Hatcher Bookable Carrels
          1. Hatcher Long-term Research Carrels
          2. Hatcher Bookable Carrel Guidelines
        2. Shapiro Bookable Study Rooms
        3. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Collaboration Rooms
        4. Fine Arts Library Carrels
        5. Music Library Carrels
      4. Soundproof Booths
      5. Student Parent and Caregiver Study Room
      6. Study Spaces By Building
    2. Creation and Learning Spaces
      1. Shapiro Design Lab
        1. Our Work
          1. Our Principles
        2. Workshop
        3. Media Production Rooms
          1. Perlstein Editing Room
          2. Video Production Room
          3. Winberg Audio Production Room
        4. PIE Space
      2. Sweetland Peer Writing Center
      3. Book Arts Studio
      4. Conservation Lab
        1. Our Work
      5. Digital Preservation Lab
      6. Library Instruction Rooms
    3. Cafés and Wellbeing
      1. Cafés
      2. Reflection Rooms
      3. Wellbeing Rooms
      4. Lactation Rooms
      5. Changing Tables
    4. Computing and Technology
      1. Computing
      2. Printing, Scanning, Copying
      3. Guest Computing and Printing
      4. Specialized Technology
        1. Anatomage Table
        2. Microform Readers and Scanners
    5. Events and Exhibits
      1. Today and Upcoming
      2. Online Exhibits
      3. Annual Events and Series
        1. Café Shapiro
        2. Deep Dive into Digital and Data Methods for Chinese Studies
        3. MLK Day
        4. Third Thursdays at the Library
      4. Gallery and Event Spaces
        1. Hatcher Gallery Event Space
        2. Hatcher Gallery Exhibit Space
        3. Hatcher Gallery Exhibit Room
          1. The Birds of America
        4. Hatcher North Lobby Cases
        5. Clark Library Exhibit Space
        6. Special Collections Exhibit Space
        7. Shapiro Gallery
        8. Directions to the Hatcher Gallery
    6. Floor Plans
      1. Hatcher Library North Floors
        1. Basement
        2. Basement A
        3. Floor 1
        4. Floor 1A
        5. Floor 2
        6. Floor 2A
        7. Floor 3
        8. Floor 3A
        9. Floor 4
        10. Floor 4A
      2. Hatcher Library South Floors
        1. Floor 1
        2. Floor 2
        3. Floor 3
        4. Floor 4
        5. Floor 5
        6. Floor 6
        7. Floor 7
        8. Floor 8
      3. Shapiro Library Floors
        1. Basement
        2. Floor 1
        3. Floor 2
        4. Floor 3
        5. Floor 4
      4. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Floors
        1. Basement
        2. Floor 1
        3. Floor 2
        4. Floor 3
      5. Taubman Health Sciences Library Layout
      6. Buhr Building Floors
        1. Floor 1
        2. Floor 2
        3. Floor 3
      7. Fine Arts Library Floors
        1. Floor 1
        2. Floor 2
      8. Music Library Floors
        1. Floor 3
        2. Floor 4
        3. Floor 5
    7. Information Desks
  3. Research and Scholarship
    1. Help with Research
      1. Find a Specialist
      2. Use Research Guides
      3. How We Can Help
      4. Citation Management
      5. Formatting Scholarly Work
      6. Non-English Research Support
      7. Funding and Grants
      8. Research Impact
        1. Assess Your Impact in the Health Sciences
      9. Share and Preserve Your Work
      10. Open Access Publishing Support
      11. Publish with Us
    2. Instruction and Course Support
      1. Request Instruction
        1. What We Teach
      2. Get Course Design Help
      3. Use Modules and Tutorials in Canvas
      4. Get Course Materials
        1. Use Electronic Items
        2. Put Items on Physical Reserve
          1. Checkout Locations
        3. Use Film in Courses
        4. Create Links that Work
        5. Provide Access Through Canvas
        6. Submit a Request
    3. Create and Design
      1. Design and Present Research
      2. Edit Video
      3. Produce Audio
      4. Create a Website
      5. Develop a Spreadsheet
      6. Create Online Surveys and Forms
      7. Make and Print 3D Models
      8. Use a Letterpress
    4. Digital Scholarship
      1. How We Support Digital Scholarship
        1. Understanding Digital Scholarship
        2. Principles Guiding Our Work
      2. Request a Consultation
        1. Support Levels
      3. Get Help with Funding Requests
      4. Connect with Us
    5. Data Services
      1. Get the Data You Need
      2. Geospatial Data and Mapping
        1. Support for GIS on Campus
      3. Make a Data Management Plan
      4. Metadata Consultation
      5. Text and Data Mining
      6. Data Visualization
        1. Additional Data Visualization Resources on Campus
      7. Share and Preserve your Data
    6. Copyright Services
      1. Connect with Us
      2. Copyright and Teaching
        1. Using Third-Party Materials for Online Classes
        2. Copyright Basics Canvas Module
      3. Our Advocacy
      4. Guides
        1. Copyright Scenarios
      5. Copies Made by Libraries and Archives
      6. Forms
        1. Author’s Addenda
        2. Contract Request Letter
        3. Copyright and Oral History Interviews
        4. Gift Agreements
        5. Licensing Form
        6. Rights Reversion
        7. Syllabus Statement
    7. Awards and Grants
      1. Anti-Racist Digital Research Institute
        1. How to Apply
        2. Support Provided
        3. Funding Details
        4. Funded Projects
      2. Artists in the Archive
      3. Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellowship
      4. Library Data Grant Program
        1. Previous Winners
      5. Student Mini Grants
        1. Requirements for Funding
      6. TOME Publishing Grant
        1. How to Apply
        2. Award Notification and Distribution
        3. Funded Publications
      7. Undergraduate Research Awards
        1. Details and Requirements
        2. Guidelines for Support Letter
        3. Recent Awards Winners
        4. About Pam MacKintosh
      8. Asia Library Travel Grants
      9. Special Collections Research Fellowships
        1. How to Apply
    8. Library Workshops and Credit Courses
      1. Drop-in Workshops
      2. Library Credit Courses
      3. International Data Workshop
      4. Systematic Reviews Workshop
        1. What You'll Learn
        2. Registration and Fees
      5. The History of Bookbinding from 200 to 1900: A Structure-Based Perspective
        1. Workshop Content by Day
        2. Recommended Readings
  4. Collections
    1. Collecting Areas
      1. Arts and Humanities
        1. Architecture
        2. Art and Design
        3. Artists’ Books
        4. Children's Literature Collection
        5. Classical Studies and Modern Greek
        6. English Language and Literature
        7. Film, Television, and Media
        8. General and Comparative Literature
        9. History
        10. History of Art
        11. Museum Studies
        12. Music, Theatre, and Dance
        13. Philosophy
        14. Religious Studies
        15. Romance Languages and Literatures
      2. Engineering
        1. Engineering
        2. Entrepreneurship
      3. Health Sciences
      4. International Studies
        1. Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands
        2. Chinese Studies
        3. French Studies
        4. Germanic Studies
        5. Iberian Studies
        6. Japanese Studies
        7. Judaic Studies
        8. Korean Studies
        9. Latin American and Caribbean studies
        10. Middle Eastern and North African Studies
        11. Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
        12. South Asia Studies
        13. Southeast Asia
        14. Sub-Saharan Africa
      5. Mathematics and Sciences
        1. Biology and Natural History
        2. Chemistry
        3. Earth and Environmental Sciences
        4. Environment and Sustainability
        5. Mathematics and Statistics
          1. Astronomy
        6. Physics
      6. Social Sciences
        1. Anthropology
        2. Communication and Media Studies
        3. Economics
        4. Education
        5. Information Science
        6. Law and Legal Studies
        7. LGBTQ Studies
        8. Linguistics
        9. Multicultural Studies
        10. Political Science
        11. Psychology
        12. Public Policy
        13. Social Work
        14. Sociology
        15. Urban Planning
        16. Women’s and Gender Studies
      7. Special Collections
        1. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Special Collections
        2. Children's Literature
        3. European History
        4. History of Astronomy and Mathematics
          1. The Galileo Manuscript
        5. History of Medicine
        6. Islamic Manuscripts
        7. Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive
          1. About Janice Bluestein Longone
        8. Joseph A. Labadie Collection
        9. Literature
          1. American Literature
          2. British Isles Literature
          3. Early Spanish Literature
          4. Hubbard Imaginary Voyages Collection
          5. Russian Literature
          6. Science Fiction
          7. The Shakespeare Collection
        10. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
        11. Music Library Special Collections
          1. Edison Sheet Music Collection
          2. Montgomery Sheet Music Collection
          3. Scores, Papers, and Recordings
          4. Women Composers Collection
        12. Papyrology Collection
        13. Philippine History
        14. Screen Arts Mavericks and Makers
          1. Robert Altman
          2. Jonathan Demme
          3. Ira Deutchman
          4. Alan Rudolph
          5. Nancy Savoca
          6. John Sayles
          7. Robert Shaye
          8. Orson Welles
        15. Theatre History
        16. Transportation History
      8. Specific Formats
        1. Comics and Graphic Novels
        2. Computer and Video Games
        3. Data
        4. Film and Video
        5. Government Information
        6. Maps and Atlases
        7. News
        8. Web Archives
      9. Undergraduate Collections
    2. Digital Collections
    3. Deep Blue Repositories
    4. Michigan Publishing Services and University of Michigan Press
    5. HathiTrust Digital Library
  5. About Us
    1. About the Library
      1. Our Organization
      2. Mission and Values
      3. Strategic Directions and Objectives
      4. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
        1. Diversity Strategic Plan
        2. Library Diversity Council
        3. Library Diversity Award
        4. Accessibility
      5. Territorial Acknowledgement
        1. Territorial Acknowledgement in Anishinaabemowin
        2. Territorial Acknowledgement in English
        3. Resources and Further Reading
      6. Advocacy for Employees
      7. Assessment
        1. Significant Assessment Projects
        2. Statistical Highlights
      8. Library Council
      9. Library Blogs
    2. Staff Directory
    3. Our Divisions and Departments
      1. Library Administration
      2. Deans' Office
        1. Administrative Support
        2. Communication and Marketing
        3. Development Office
        4. Finance
        5. Library Facilities
        6. Library Human Resources
        7. Strategic Planning
      3. Access and Fulfillment
        1. Circulation and Access Services and Divisional Libraries
        2. Document Delivery
        3. Physical Collections and Access
      4. Collections
        1. Papyrology
        2. Preservation Services
        3. Special Collections
        4. Technical Services
      5. Learning and Teaching
        1. Accessibility
        2. Consultation and Discovery
        3. Digital Scholarship and Creative Spaces
        4. Learning Programs and Initiatives
        5. Outreach and AV Services
      6. Library Information Technology
        1. Architecture and Engineering
        2. Automation, Indexing, and Metadata
        3. Design and Discovery
        4. Digital Content and Collections
        5. Digital Library Applications
      7. Michigan Publishing
        1. Deep Blue Repository and Research Data Services
        2. Marketing and Outreach
        3. Publishing Acquisitions
        4. Publishing Business and Administration
        5. Publishing Production
        6. Publishing Services
        7. Publishing Technology
      8. Research
        1. Arts and Humanities
        2. Asia Library
        3. Copyright Office
        4. HS-STEM
        5. International Studies
        6. Social Sciences and Clark Library
      9. HathiTrust
    4. News
    5. Work for Us
      1. Librarian and Staff Positions
        1. Cathleen A. Baker Fellowship in Conservation
          1. Developing your Proposal
      2. Jobs for Students
        1. Student Engagement Program
          1. Engagement Fellows
          2. Student Ambassadors
        2. Michigan Library Scholars
          1. Summer 2025 Projects
        3. Design Lab Student Positions
        4. Data Visualization Fellowship
        5. Summer Fellowship in Library User Experience
        6. Lafer Preservation Internship Program
        7. Archival Processing Internship Program
    6. Partner with Us
      1. Student Consultants
      2. Install an Exhibit
      3. Display a Digital Promotion or Showcase
        1. Guidelines for Digital Signage Submissions
      4. Host an Information Table or Donative Drive
      5. Film in the Library
      6. Propose Your Unique Collaboration Idea
      7. Support for Campus Book Clubs
    7. Policies
      1. Ask a Librarian Guidelines
      2. Building Access Policy
      3. Collections Access Policy
      4. Commitment to Open Discovery
      5. Copyright Policy
      6. Digital Preservation Policy
        1. Registered Formats and Support Levels
        2. Digital Preservation Baseline
      7. Disaster Response and Recovery Plan for Library Collections
      8. Digital Scholarship Framework and Policy
      9. Gifts of Books and Other Materials
      10. Library Privacy Statement
        1. Checkout History Options
      11. Protests and Demonstrations in the Library
      12. Remediation of Harmful Language in Descriptions of Collection Material
      13. Retention and Withdrawals Policy
      14. Statement on Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources
      15. Takedown Policy for Addressing Copyright Concerns
      16. Takedown Policy for Private Information in U-M Digital Collections

Utility navigation

  1. Locations and Hours
    1. Biological Station Library
      1. Research Support
    2. Clark Commons
      1. About Stephen Clark
    3. Computer and Video Game Archive
      1. Use the Archive
        1. Our Policies
        2. Game Systems
      2. Class Visits and Events
    4. MLibrary@NCRC
    5. Museums Library
    6. Hours View
    7. Hatcher Library
      1. Clark Library Desk
      2. Inside Hatcher
      3. Collections
      4. Transit and Parking
      5. Navigating the Building
      6. Evening Access
      7. Ask a Librarian Desk
      8. Interlibrary Loan Office
      9. Hatcher North Information Services Desk
      10. Hatcher South Information Services Desk
      11. Serials and Microform Services
    8. Shapiro Library
      1. Collections
      2. Transit and Parking
      3. Navigating the Building
      4. Shapiro Lobby Information Services Desk
    9. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library
      1. Research Support
      2. Collections
      3. Transit and Parking
      4. Navigating the Library
      5. Building Services
      6. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Information Services Desk
      7. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Special Collections Space
    10. Taubman Health Sciences Library
      1. Research and Clinical Support
      2. Transit and Parking
      3. Navigating the Library
      4. Taubman Health Sciences Library Information Services Desk
    11. Asia Library
      1. Collections and History
    12. Askwith Media Library
      1. Show a Movie on Campus
      2. Askwith Media Library Information Services Desk
      3. Askwith Viewing Station
    13. Buhr Building
      1. Transit and Parking
      2. Navigating the Building
    14. Clark Library
      1. Research Support
      2. Events and Exhibits
      3. Collections
    15. Fine Arts Library
      1. Transit and Parking
      2. Navigating the Library
      3. Fine Arts Library Information Services Desk
    16. Music Library
      1. Collections
      2. Transit and Parking
      3. Navigating the Library
      4. Glenn Watkins Seminar Room
      5. Music Library Information Services Desk
    17. Papyrology Collection
      1. Find and Access Papyri
      2. Request a Visit
      3. Acquisition Reports
    18. Special Collections Research Center
      1. Access Our Materials
      2. Request a Class Visit
      3. Events and Exhibits
      4. Collections
      5. Special Collections Reading Room
    19. Other Libraries and Collections
  2. Information for
    1. Undergraduate Students
    2. Transfer Students
    3. Graduate Students
    4. Faculty and Researchers
    5. Instructors
    6. University Staff
    7. Clinical Providers
    8. International Students and Researchers
    9. Guests, Alumni and Retired Faculty
  3. Ask a Librarian
  4. Give
    1. Wish List
    2. Donor Impact
    3. Contact Us
  5. Account

University of Michigan Library

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