Use Research Guides

Our research guides are web pages curated by library experts. They offer how-to support and information about recommended library resources. You’ll find them arranged by academic subject, course, or special research skill area, like preparing a research poster or using citation management software.

We recommend using a guide when you:

  • Need help getting started with your library research.
  • Want to quickly identify relevant library resources for your course-specific research, or recommended resources in your major.
  • Want to learn more about specific research skills on your own, at your own pace.
  • Would like to connect with a library expert about your project.

Browse by academic discipline 

Select from our list of broad academic disciplines to find recommended resources in many subject areas. You can use a guide to identify the best library resources and learn more about strategies for research in your major, for example:

Find by course

Use our course-related guides to find the recommended resources for your particular assignments. See what's available on our list of course help guides.

Explore technology and software

Discover our technology tutorials and software how-to’s (for example, tips for using Microsoft Office products), as supported by library experts.

For additional assistance or questions, contact the library expert you find on the research guide of interest.