Taubman Health Sciences Library
Research and Clinical Support at Taubman Health Sciences Library
We support the needs of faculty, students, staff, clinicians and researchers connected to the Michigan Medicine Ann Arbor Medical Campus, Medical School, College of Pharmacy, and schools of Nursing, Dentistry, Kinesiology, and Public Health, as well as the North Campus Research Complex.
Get help from our specialists
Our health sciences librarians, known as informationists, can partner with you to provide:
- Instruction tailored to your goals
- Research impact assessment
- Consultations on expert searches
- Assistance identifying relevant resources
- Assistance finding funding
- Collaboration on grants
- Research data management services, including data visualization
- Consultations on citation management
For help with evidence syntheses (systematic reviews etc.), visit the THSL Evidence Synthesis Guide.
To connect with us, email thlibrary@umich.edu or use our directory of informationists to search by subject or specialty.
Key databases and resources
See the main Taubman Health Sciences Library visit page for our list of popular databases, as well as links to some of our most-accessed journals.
In Library Search, you can browse all of our databases and online journals.
We maintain a set of core resource guides to support your work:
- Clinical Information Resources Guide includes links to field-specific online journals, e-books, and other specialty resources
- Mobile Device Resources Guide provides a list of mobile-friendly resources
- National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy (NIHPAP) includes information on policy compliance and how to manage publications in eRA Commons and My NCBI
- Open Research and Scholarship provides information about policies, resources, and services that impact open research and scholarship at the University of Michigan
For accurate, 3D visualizations of human and animal anatomy, see our Anatomage Table.
Available courses
We offer a free 9-week course in advanced literature searching for health sciences professionals through Michigan Online.
You might also be interested in our Systematic Reviews Workshop if you’re an information professional in health sciences.