Collecting Areas
Discover how we build our collections, and the specialists who maintain each subject area.

Arts and Humanities Collecting Areas
From history to museum studies, and architecture to film, music, philosophy, and more.
Engineering Collecting Areas
Applied sciences, engineering, and technology, and aspects of entrepreneurship, including patents and trademarks, industry research, and more.
Health Sciences Collecting Areas
Research, academic, and clinical literature that support work in the health sciences.
International Studies Collecting Areas
Materials supporting the study of countries, people, culture, and language from around the world.
Mathematics and Sciences Collecting Areas
Supporting research in astronomy, statistics, chemistry, earth science, environmental science and sustainability, and more.
Social Sciences Collecting Areas
Areas dedicated to human society and social relationships, from anthropology to urban planning.
Special Collections Collecting Areas
Rare, unique, and special materials in an array of subjects, from medieval manuscripts to classic children's books.
Specific Formats Collecting Areas
Video games, printed maps, newspapers, film, and more.
Undergraduate Collections
Introductory texts, as well as materials for coursework, lifelong learning, and leisure reading.
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