Copyright Scenarios

Our compilation of scenarios is drawn from the experiences of staff in the Library Copyright Office (LCO) at the University of Michigan over many years of interactions with students, faculty, staff, and researchers.

We make the scenarios available primarily to the U-M community to assist in understanding some of the main considerations that attend different copyright scenarios they might encounter. We have minimized links to external resources and kept primarily to high-level analyses and explanations in the interest of brevity and usability. 

Consult the scenarios

Use the Copyright Scenarios Google Document by browsing the table of contents or using the tags associated with the scenarios (a list of all tags is provided in the Appendix) to narrow down your selection.

In addition to being available in this document, you can access the scenarios and responses in a Zotero group library. The aforementioned Google Document provides information about Zotero accessibility, features, and how to use it.


We encourage anyone with questions, particularly those with more complex situations to visit our online guides, connect with us, or seek legal counsel as appropriate.