Checkout Special Items and Equipment

Sometimes unexpected needs come up while you’re at the library. We keep a variety of special items and equipment available for checkout. 

Visit the information services desk in the locations listed for each for more information and to borrow items.

Bike pumps

Got a flat? We have bike pumps for checkout in Hatcher North, Hatcher South, the Shapiro Lobby, and the Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library.

Kill A Watt meters

Monitor your electricity usage with a Kill A Watt meter. Available in Hatcher North, Askwith Media Library, and Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library.

Adapters and cables

If you need an adapter to connect your device to a display, we might have what you need in the Shapiro Lobby or Music Library. 

CD/DVD/Blu-ray drives and headphones

External CD/DVD/Blu-ray drives and headphones are available for checkout at the following desks: 

  • Hatcher North 
  • Shapiro Lobby
  • Music Library
  • Fine Arts Library
  • Taubman Health Sciences Library
  • Art, Architecture and Engineering Library 

Computer labs in our library buildings provide computers with built-in disc drives.

Laptop locks

Secure your stuff! We have a limited number of laptop locks in the Shapiro Lobby and Art, Architecture and Engineering Library.

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