Music Library Information Services Desk
Check out and return items, access reserved material, reserve a study carrel, and checkout special equipment.
Music Library, Third Floor, Room 3242View floor plan
This desk is located immediately on right after entering the Music Library on floor 3 of the Earl V. Moore Building. It is staffed all hours the library is open.
Access our collections
Pick up books and other materials requested for delivery to the Music Library here.
You’ll also come to the desk to check out materials you’ve gotten off the shelves, return materials, ask for help finding a particular title, and place requests for items in our collection.
Course reserves support and check out
Instructors and support staff can ask questions about requests here, and drop off instructor-owned material.
This desk is also a course reserve checkout location.
See more about course reserves.
Semester carrel reservations
Visit the desk to reserve a study carrel for the year. Priority is given to faculty (particularly those without offices in the Earl V. Moore Building) and graduate students who are writing dissertations or for publication.
Equipment checkout
We have various adapters, as well as CD/DVD/Blu-ray external drives, and headphones available for checkout.