We have a large collection of news sources from the United States and around the world. This includes major U.S. national newspapers such as The New York Times, the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and Chicago Tribune, and important local and regional newspapers such as the Detroit Free Press and Detroit News. These titles represent a small slice of what is a very large collection of hundreds of newspaper titles.
We also have access to many major current news publications from a multitude of other countries, specifically from regions for which the university has academic departments or research centers focused on their study.
In many cases, we’re able to provide access both to current issues in print or online and the entire run of a particular paper. We receive backfiles of many newspapers on microfilm or electronically. Much news content is now available electronically via databases such as NexisUni, Access World News, and ProQuest News and Current Events. These databases and others provide access to large and varied types of U.S. and international news, including business news, historical publications, alternative presses, and also other formats such as television and broadcast media.
Research guides
Digital collection

Front page of the January 28th, 2014 issue of the Michigan Daily from the Michigan Daily Digital Archives.

Librarian for Public Policy, Communication and Media