Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Special Collections
We collect rare, fragile, and limited editions of materials related to the study and practice of architecture and art.
Current collection development efforts have a contemporary or regional focus, building upon our strengths in architecture and design. These include a core collection of modernist architecture publications from western Europe and the Soviet Union, to which we are adding titles from eastern Europe, Japan, and other places showing the impact of modernism.
Our regionally focused collections include 20th century kit-house catalogs, with a particular emphasis on Michigan-based companies.
The focus of the artists’ books collection is on the book as a work of art and is particularly strong in material from the 1980s to the present. It also contains a nearly comprehensive collection from Women’s Studio Workshop.
Important related collections
Related collections include art and design, architecture, and our collection of artists’ books.
Digital collection
Online exhibits
Materials in the collection

From the folio Formes et couleurs.

Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Resources Librarian and Liaison for Museum Studies