Collaborative Spaces

Whether you’re meeting for a group project or want an opportunity to socialize while you work, check out these spaces meant for collaboration. 

Spaces across campus

  1. Hatcher Gallery Event Space

    Attend lectures, performances, workshops, and more, or come here to study when events aren't taking place.

  2. Hatcher Floor 2 Spaces

    A historic space outside the Reading Room with wooden tables and reading lamps, along with some adjacent study areas.

  3. Clark Library Seating Area

    Grab a seat on the couches or an armchair located near the exhibit cases in the Clark Library.

  4. Shapiro Basement Spaces

    Movable tables and chairs in an open space.

  5. Bert's Study Lounge

    A café-like atmosphere with mixed seating, ideal for group meetings.

  6. Shapiro Floor 1 Spaces

    A large open area with a variety of seating options and tables. This is a Collaborative Zone.

  7. Shapiro Floor 2 Spaces

    More talkative study areas, especially in the evenings.

  8. Clark Commons Collaborative Spaces

    Gather here to collaborate, interact, co-work or focus.

  9. Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Floor 2 Spaces

    Natural light brightens this space, which is set up for collaborative work in the front and quieter work in its interior.

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