How to Apply

Find out what you need to include in your TOME application, where to submit it, and how it will be evaluated.

All funds available for the current fiscal year have been awarded. We will begin accepting applications again on May 1, 2025 in advance of the next fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2025.

Application requirements

Please include the following items with your application.

1. Application form

2. Proposal narrative

In three pages or less, please:

  • Describe your publication. Explain its significance to your discipline or field, to scholars outside of your field, and to communities outside of academia
  • Describe how this work would benefit from open access distribution

3. Line-item budget

In consultation with your publisher, provide a line-item budget of no more than one page that covers the amount of funding you are seeking (up to $15,000 maximum) to support open access distribution of your work. 

  • This budget may include anticipated costs related to the production of your book, such as copyediting, design, indexing, permission fees, and marketing
  • Do not include costs specific to the sale of a physical edition of your book, such as printing, paper, and shipping

4. Budget justification

Your publisher should help you explain the proposed expenses and the basis for cost estimates. Do not exceed two pages.

5. Author’s abridged curriculum vitae or biosketch

Provide a short version of your CV. Do not exceed three pages.

6. Publisher’s letter of support

This letter of support from your acquiring editor or your publisher should:

  • Describe their editorial review and selection process
  • Confirm their capacity to produce and market a high-quality open access digital work
  • Explain the level of support needed to make your work openly accessible 

This letter should be on the publisher’s official letterhead or signed by the editor acquiring your work.

7. Appendix (optional)

Include other items if relevant, such as a marketing plans, examples of digital platforms your publisher will use to distribute your work openly, addition of multimedia or non-traditional content, and so on. 

If you're an LSA faculty member, you'll use eGif to submit your application. All other applicants should send their completed materials to the

How will my application be evaluated?

A panel including faculty with representation from LSA, the Institute for the Humanities, and the library will review proposals received and provide recommendations. 

The final decision will be made by the associate dean for the humanities in LSA.

Key considerations during review include:

  • Scholarly merit
  • Value for the applicant’s own research potential and progress
  • Likely impact of this work on the field
  • Likely impact of this work on communities outside the academy
  • Description of the benefits of open access distribution for this work
  • Benefit to, or potential to enhance, the scholarly distinction of the University of Michigan
  • Appropriateness of budget provided by publisher 

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