Political Science
We collect materials to support the study of politics, including works on political theory, American politics, international relations and world politics, comparative politics, politics of the legal system, conflict studies, and political science research methods.
The political science collection includes books, journals, reference works, primary sources, and data sets. We collect political science materials in support of the research needs of the Department of Political Science as well as other units on campus, such as the Center for Political Studies.
Important related collections
Materials related to the study of politics can also be found in our government information, law and legal studies, and international studies collections, as well as the Joseph A. Labadie Collection in the Special Collections Research Center.
Materials of interest are also located at the university’s Law Library and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, which are distinct from the U-M Library system.
Reseach guide
Key database

Arts of Peace mural, found in the Hatcher Library Reference Reading Room.

Government Information, Law and Political Science Librarian and Collection Coordinator for the Clark Library