Funding Details

We’re flexible in how you use your grant funds, which are intended as seed money to help bridge the gap between planning a project and beginning work on it. We will disburse $5,000 in grant funds to awardees upon completion of the institute.

Grant funds

Suggestions for how grants funds can be used include:

  • Providing stipends for project team members (student members, project managers) 
  • ​​Honoraria for guest speakers, community members, and participants
  • Covering the cost of digitization* and licensing fees for content related to the project, such as primary materials that are still under copyright
  • Subvention funding or supplementation to help cover cost of open access publication
  • Purchasing equipment (recording tools, cameras, microphone, lighting) or software, if not available on campus, for research activity
  • Providing mileage reimbursement, or to cover travel to or for community partners
  • Paying for outreach supplies, such as copying, office materials, zine production, or poster printing
  • Paying for translation or transcription services 

*Note some large scale digitization and extensive web or platform design and customization may be too costly to consider or cover fully. 

The TOME Publishing Grant also offers subvention funding to help cover open access and digital dissemination of humanities scholarship.

Supplemental funds

In an effort to ensure equitable access to institutional resources, the institute has a set allocation of additional funding available to cover costs of participating — such as lodging, parking, or mileage reimbursement — for those who might need it in order to attend. 

We will work with awardees after they are selected to reduce barriers to participation.