Allyssa Caitlynn Bruce
Director, Consultation and Discovery
Consultation and Discovery · Learning and Teaching
734-764-9692Mailing address
1144 Shapiro Library
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Allyssa Caitlynn Bruce
Director, Consultation and Discovery
Consultation and Discovery · Learning and TeachingAbout me
As Director of Consultation and Discovery at the University of Michigan Library, I lead a team that provides the highest level of generalist research assistance through reference and consultation services, maintains and fosters reference expertise among the cross-divisional Ask a Librarian services team, and manages infrastructures and relationships throughout the library to support research services. I also provide advanced reference expertise through our virtual reference services, and I am available for research consultations by appointment.
In my previous role as Ask a Librarian Coordinator, I developed and maintained infrastructure in support of U-M Library's Ask a Librarian services. I supervised a team of Ask-a-Librarian Assistants; coordinated and led staff training and scheduling; and assessed and developed reference services.
Prior to joining U-M in 2020, I was a Peer Research Consultant Manager at Kansas State University (KSU) where I developed a peer research consultation program and collaborated closely with the writing center. My background and interests are in writing center pedagogy and the relationships between writing studies and information literacy. I hold a MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons University, a MA in English Composition and Rhetoric from KSU, and a BA in English from University of Connecticut.