Get Course Materials

We offer a range of services to help make course materials available to your classes. 

You can provide equitable and affordable access for students by using library-licensed or open access materials. 

Why work with us?

The textbook and other course materials you choose can determine the degree of access we can provide for your students. 

Publishers often do not make material available for licensing by libraries, or they carry restrictions. When we can only provide supplemental access, it may not fully support the needs of your students.

But if a title is available electronically without user limits, library access can make content available to students without the need for them to purchase their own material. 

Access to materials

We can help you find and make course materials available, including:

Accessible copies for students and faculty 

If you or your students have a qualifying disability that prevents you from using print materials — or the item you need is inaccessible — the library can help get you an accessible electronic copy. 

See how to request accessible copies.

General questions? Contact us at