Fe Susan T Go
Librarian for Southeast Asia, Australia,New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
International Studies · Research
734-764-7523Mailing address
100-G Hatcher North
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
Fe Susan T Go
Librarian for Southeast Asia, Australia,New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
International Studies · ResearchAbout me
As the Southeast Asian Bibliographer, I primarily do collection development on Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Australia, and New Zealand in all languages. Ancilliary to collection development is answering reference questions that pertains to the above mentioned countries and region. Through the years, I have grants from NEH --mostly to organized and catalog Thai language materials; with the Luce and Ford Foundation grantsI managed the Vietnam Union Catalog for five nationwide libraries and Australia. Other NEH grant that benefitted all other Area Programs was in the collection of Islamic materials from the region and the NEH grant to digitize materials when the United States had become a world power. I have publications that refer to libraries as well as historical studies.
As the specialist for this region of the world, I perform collection development--which includes selection of both print and non-print (includes electronic source and microforms), liaison to all my vendors ; answer reference questions/consultations that pertains to the region. I also do cataloging for all publications coming from the island world of Southeast Asia. Subject oriented library instruction is part of my work as well as managing the unit.
English, Filipino