Get Help with Funding Requests

If you're applying for funding to start or expand your digital project, we might be able to help you coordinate supporting documentation. 

As early as possible, and as often as necessary, you should have conversations with us about your project goals and needs.

Formal requests for application help can be made to the library's digital scholarship service team at

Before you can name the U-M Library in any grant application, you must obtain an official letter of support. This must be from the confirmed library representative, which might also include a dean or provost, as required by the terms of the grant. It will reflect our decisions about staff capacity and resources, including specific services or support we will provide, our personnel time percentages and commitments, cost recovery information, and our expectations for you and your project team.

We adhere to U-M Office of Research and Sponsored Projects guidelines.

Looking for general sources of funding and grants and strategies for applying? Explore our full set of resources around funding and grant support.