Women's History Month

March 5, 2025

Women's History Month offers an opportunity to discover, honor, and share the enormous contributions of American women.

Join us for Art+Feminism, an annual event that includes a table discussion and the chance to help diversify the representation of artists and activists in Wikipedia. 

Library collections can help you learn more about the known trailblazers who have shaped our world, or even discover the less well known. A few places to start:

You'll find paths to more information sources in our research guides, and by using our Advanced Catalog Search (select Subject in the dropdown menu, and enter a term such as American women history. Use quotes around phrases for more precise results.

The library also hosts digitized collections held by the William L. Clements Library, among them:

  • The Louise Gilman Papers, 1866-1869 — letters written by Louise Gilman while serving as a teacher at the Hampton Institute in Hampton, Virginia, a school established to educate freed slaves.
  • The Lydia Maria Child Papers, 1835-1894 — personal letters from the editor of The National Anti-Slavery Standard documenting her day to day finances, friends, and family
The online exhibit Birthing Reproductive Justice: 150 Years of Images and Ideas documents a movement led by women of color that has persistent and profound implications for American women.

Use Ask a Librarian for help finding materials, or contact one of our experts for help on a specific topic or area of study.

Block print of four women, with two of them holding up fists.

Committee for Abortion Rights and Against Sterilization Abuse (CARASA) News, v. 3, no. 9 (1979), from the Joseph A. Labadie Collection, U-M Library.


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