Paul Frederick Schaffner
Manager, Text Creation Unit; Editor, Middle English Dictionary
Digital Content and Collections · Library Information TechnologyPhone
734-647-1824Mailing address
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Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
Paul Frederick Schaffner
Manager, Text Creation Unit; Editor, Middle English Dictionary
Digital Content and Collections · Library Information TechnologyAbout me
I am what was the Text Creation Unit, whose responsibiities include the production of any text that requires human intervention in its capture, analysis, or encoding, as well as advice for those contemplating text-oriented projects. We have ongoing commitments (this is our eighth year of revising the Middle English Dictionary (MED) and our 24th year of creating full-text transcriptions of early printed books for the Text Creation Partnership); but we are always open to new work and new consultancy opportunites. We have specialized in XML-encoded structured text, and I am active in the TEI-C (6 years on Council) and with e-text standard practices. As editor of MED and TCP, I am also active in matters lexicographic and philological. I did my undergraduate work at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges and at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Cambridge, (BA Haverford, early English; MA Cantab., Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic), followed by a PhD in early English, French, Welsh, and Norse philology from Cornell and an MLS from Michigan. Also: I am the cataloguer of Jackson College Library, organize the hardware section of the Kiwanis Thrift Sale, and (with my wife) maintain the dollhouse in the Saline Library children's room.